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  • Writer's pictureJordyn Folsom

Exploring the Symbolism of the Turul Bird in History

The Turul birds’ revival in Hungary has become a symbol of the country’s right wing and far-right wing national identity. With its roots in history, the Turul represents Hungary’s purpose and is associated with ancient legends like "Emeses Dream" and "The Conquest of the Magyars." While there is discussion about its origins, the prominence of the Turul has increased, leading to controversies such as its appearance on the fifty-forint coins.

The interpretation of this symbol encompasses iconological and operational aspects. It is utilized in contexts ranging from political discourse to fashion choices reflecting diverse historical viewpoints that span from mythical prehistory to post historical traumas like Hungary’s losses in the Trianon Peace Treaty. Through time, the Turul has transitioned from being an emblem to symbolizing national revitalization.

In recent times, Hungarian culture and politics have witnessed a growing integration of the Turul bird under the governance of the Fidesz party. This incorporation is evident through monuments and statues that embody themes of "blood and homeland " aligning with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s portrayal of the Turul as a figure of Hungarian identity. While rooted in customs this symbolism evokes both pride and apprehension regarding its associations particularly concerning Hungary’s fascist past.

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